Equality Action Pledge

Research shows that BME and women trustees are significantly underrepresented in charity boardrooms. In response to this research and #CharitySoWhite, GCVS and CRER have launched an Equality Action Pledge to help third sector organisations take tangible steps towards tackling discrimination and under representation.

We want to see a better society free from discrimination and its effect on inequalities.  The voluntary sector is a powerful force for good in building that society.  Sadly, discrimination does not only take place “out there”.  It also exists within our own organisations and is reflected in the make-up of Boards, senior management, staffing, volunteers and service users.

It is the duty of everyone in the voluntary sector to ensure that we are doing the best we can for our communities.  This must start with organisations recognising and working to dismantle barriers at all levels.  Failing to reflect the communities we serve means we will miss out on talent and won’t achieve our full potential.

North West Glasgow Voluntary Sector Network have signed the Equality Action Pledge. To find out more and sign up, click the link https://www.thepledge.scot/

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