Network AGM. From Debate to Dialogue

The Network’s Annual General Meeting will take place, online on Zoom, on Wednesday 9th December 11am-12.30pm. The theme will be: From Debate to Dialogue and our guest speaker for the meeting will be expert on Democratic Innovation, Oliver Escobar

Relationships are the foundation of People’s Sector’s work. How we communicate can support or detract from those relationships. We are finding new ways to live with COVID-19 and adapt our services and spaces to accommodate the changes. In addition, we are living with the recent funding cuts that have had such a detrimental effect on some organisations, but crucially the people we work with and for.

How do we make sure our voices and those that we work with are heard, when we want to affect change in these uncertain times? Traditionally we would enter into a debate, whether it’s with a Glasgow City Council representative, a funder, another organisation or a friend or family member. Debate can often be heated, has a winner and loser and can put strain on relationships.

Do we need to find a new way to make sure we get the outcome we want? Now more than ever, it might be time to look at DIALOGUE, rather than DEBATE as a way of communicating and strengthening relationships.

To lead the dialogue at our AGM, we are delighted to welcome Oliver Escobar,  senior lecturer in Public Policy at Edinburgh University and an expert in Democratic Innovation. We will explore how to move our communication from Debate to Dialogue whilst still reaching the conclusion that is best for our organisations and the people we serve.

At the AGM, we will also review the Network’s year, our achievements and what we learned and also discuss some of our future plans.

Join our AGM  From Debate to Dialogue
Zoom meeting.

Meeting ID: 897 1730 5059
Passcode: 689399

I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible on the 9th December

Martina Johnston-Gray

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