We-G Community Internet

Introduction to NWGVSN

Before you read about our We-G Community Internet project, we thought we would give you a quick introduction to the Network and how the IT and Community Internet projects have evolved.

North West Glasgow Voluntary Sector Network SCIO was created as a response to the need for Voluntary Sector organisations to have a voice when decisions about funding, planning and service delivery are made. We make sure our members’ views, opinions and ideas are heard locally, city wide and where relevant nationally.

The Network is a registered charity, managed by an Executive Committee, who are senior officers or board members of member organisations. Our membership is open to all voluntary organisations that deliver services in the North West of Glasgow.

Our members range from individuals, community groups, small to large Third sector organisations (some times called10 registered charities), who deliver services in the North West of Glasgow. They generally work with people in communities who face challenges and/or discriminated against; people with mental health issues, people with disabilities, people with additional support needs, families, lone parents, asylum seekers & refugees, people from the Black, Asian, Chinese communities, young people, older people etc. We welcome organisations and people who don’t meet the above criteria who will be invited to become ‘friends of the Network’.

The Pandemic & IT Recycling Project 

Early on in the COVID-19 Pandemic, members came to us to let us know that people they were working with didn’t have access to a computer, tablet or laptop or if they did they didn’t have or had very limited internet access at home. Before the pandemic people had used PCs/WiFi in libraries, community centres, school & college. People needed internet more than ever during the pandemic; to keep in touch with family & friends, get support, keep in contact with the job centre, do school work, watch films and play games.

The Network thought that there would be computers out there that people didn’t want anymore, that could be donated, recycled and given to other people. We were lucky that people supported our idea, members, family, friends, a local college, the National Lottery Communities Fund, Glasgow City Council and so many others helped us to get the project up and running. By May 2020, the project started giving away computers & internet and by September 2021 we had given away over 250 PCs.

The feedback we’ve heard from the recipients has shown just what a difference having a device and internet access can make. However; our funding is limited and we have only ever been able to give away 6 months internet, Glasgow City Council gives 1 year internet, once these are finished the recipients go back to having no internet at home. We believe that everyone has digital rights and should have reliable internet access at home.

We-G: Community Internet Project

Therefore, the next part of the IT recycle project will now focus on providing internet free or low cost to people in communities who can’t afford it. So we have started the We-G project, that will work alongside communities to develop access to the internet for everyone who needs it. We are going to be out and about in local areas soon, hoping local people will help us find out how we might best do this.

We-G consultation Privacy Notice: How we use resident information
We are carrying out a consultation to find out how G15 and G20 residents access internet, what internet is used for, analyse the quality of coverage and value for money. We have asked these questions along with requesting your postcode. We ask for your postcode so we can cross reference your experience with what service is available in your area.

By taking part in this consultation, you can choose to be entered into our prize draw. To do so, you should give us your name and either an email or phone number, so we can contact you if you win. You can choose not to enter the prize draw if you do not want to give us this data.

The data from this consultation will be stored securely and will only be shared with Drumchapel Thriving Places, Community Central Halls and NWGVSN. Any information moved to a digital format will be password protected.

If you have given your contact details, we may invite you to be involved in further areas of the initiative, such as further consultations and pilot schemes. You can drop out at any time. We will hold your information for no longer than 3 years, after which it will be deleted/destroyed.

You can contact us at any time to request what information we hold and/or to remove your data from our systems by writing to Martina Johnson Gray at hello.northwestglasgowvsn@outlook.com.

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