Network IT Recycling Project

The Network has formed a partnership with Glasgow Clyde College and their Gifttech project, that recycles college PCs, to launch our Network IT Recycling Project. Thanks also goes to EE and Yoker Campus for their support and partnership.

UPDATE 8/10/20

The IT Recycling Project will hit a milestone this week – we have given out 100 devices to members to hand out to people and families they work with that are in need of IT equipment and Wifi access 100 logo






UPDATE  19/8/20

We still require PC monitors. Please help us get PCs to people and families that need them. Please have a look in your cupboards and get in touch if you have any monitors going spare. You can email Martina if you think you can help

 **WE ARE NOW ABLE to take new referrals. Please complete this Referral Form which should be completed and emailed to


Update 15/7/20

The Network and IT project were mentioned in Parliamentary motions last week. Read it HERE

UPDATE 25/6/20

We are now accepting donations of laptops and PCs, which will be wiped and a new operating system put in place, which means that none of the old data is accessible. If you are not sure if your old equipment is suitable, please email us and we would be happy to talk to you about it. We appreciate all the help and support we have had from Gift-tech, Glasgow Clyde College and our hosts Yoker Community Campus. Please email

If you wish to make a referral, please scroll to the bottom of this page for  the referral form.

UPDATE 4/6/20

If any members have any spare laptops (must be able to use windows 10), monitors or webcams they are not using, please consider donating them to this project. We can now recycle these securely and safely. Please contact

21/5/20 – IT Recycling Project Launched

Many Network members have been feeding back to us regarding the Digital Divide. During the coronavirus pandemic, you have told us that people you work with are being further excluded because they don’t have ways to get online. The world has changed so much over the last few weeks, learning, leisure, information resources and support have mostly moved to the virtual world. Those who can’t access it are left out

With this is mind, we are delighted to announce that thanks to a grant from National Lottery Community Fund Scotland Awards For All, we are NOW launching the project.

We will NOW be able to offer PCs to Network members to give to people they work with that they know are in need. We will also be offering prepaid wifi, which should last a few months with light/moderate use. In some cases, we can offer wifi only packages, please let us know the device they have when referring so we can determine suitable wifi provision. Thank you to Glasgow Community Planning Partnership for allowing us to redirect some of our funding for this use.

We plan to supply  a box containing, a desk top PC, a key board, monitor, mouse, pre-paid wifi  and ‘how to guide’. All equipment is PAT tested, cleaned and is ready to use. (web cams, Microsoft Office software, equipment to ensure accessibility can be requested on application). We will also be setting up a Helpline for an hour a day, where if anyone has any issues we will do our best to resolve them. We are currently sourcing further, more intensive support – please let us know in the referral form if you think the recipient would need further support to get online.

 **Please complete this Referral Form which should be completed and emailed to

Please NOTE: 

  • This project is open to Network members in North West Glasgow ONLY.
  • We will be running a waiting list as we do not have a huge supply but will offer what we can, the project is here to fill the gaps if other options are not available.

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